Thursday, August 27, 2020

Child Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Youngster Development - Essay Example Pregnancy is a significant piece of a woman’s life that calls for conduct change in different parts of life. In the first place, my dozing hours would not be sufficient on the off chance that I were pregnant. Pregnant ladies are encouraged to get enough rest and rest. Besides, I infrequently exercise and I would begin participating in practice exercises three times each week to improve blood flow. Thirdly, I take liquor during the ends of the week and I would need to forgo it in the event that I were pregnant. Liquor and medications are restricted during pregnancy as they can influence child’s advancement (Murphy). At long last, I would likewise need to change my eating regimen by including more advantageous nourishments including bigger segments of leafy foods. Moreover, I would need to cease from nourishments containing soaked fats and improved beverages. The investigation focuses on social change among ladies during pregnancy. As indicated by the article, most ladies expend liquor during pregnancy conflicts with the doctors’ exhortation as liquor represents various symptoms to the hatchling. This article encourages ladies to keep away from liquor admission no matter what. The article additionally shows the drinking propensities among ladies from various foundations and exhibited that a portion of the symptoms of drinking while pregnant incorporate intrauterine development limitation, low birth weight, and preterm birth. The article likewise shows that there is a solid connection between liquor use and smoking and these viewpoints consolidated have a critical negative effect on fetal development.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Swagata The Marketplace

Question: Clarify the commercial center Swagata. Answer: Swagata is an online commercial center for attire for ladies, men and children. It very well may be one of the main internet business foundation of Australia for items in design. Headquarter in Sydney, Australia; other than me the organization other two most experienced author Emily Smith and Sophie Williams. The organization centers around retailing of items in clothing. We wanted to expand its development with the retailing of well known design and way of life brands of the nation. It offers 500 style brands with Adidas, Nike, Lee, Puma, and Arrow, US Polo and so on in the online market. Swagata has in excess of 1,000 workers and has assessed income of $200,000. We procured select style in online through the consideration of planner array. We additionally incorporates a virtual fitting space for the clients and Native5 a cloud hosed use of portable stage which empowers to fabricate and to send versatile, tablets and work area applications (Yu et al. 2016)..The organization has a fe w sections: Australia, worldwide and Swagata Web Services. However, primary spotlight is on neighborhood showcase. Swagatas, Australia section center around retail deals and the memberships, the Australia fragment manages, and Our companys segment on global exchange deals center around client items which incorporates venders just as memberships through the worldwide sites, for example,,,, and However, we have wanted to enter in the worldwide market yet with little amount. The organization reaches the site transparently and through versatile sites and its application. The organization incorporates Swagata Prime which offers a yearly relationship program to a wide scope of items. Swagata offers wide range programs with the goal that venders are empowering to set available to be purchased their products and complete the requests right through Websites just as merchants sites (Huseynov and Y ld 2014). Crucial Our central goal is to furnish clients with style and rich structure that would empower for any action in open air. Swagata has agreeable and sturdy garments which is appropriate to wear on snowboarding, floating down in a stream or running in sea shore (Fusion-io Accelerates China's Online Shopping Leader 2013).Our crucial to give a worldwide commercial center in online where anybody can exchange design that empowers the financial chance of the world (Couzin et al. 2014). 3. Items and Service offeringSwagata produce wide scope of results of ladies, men and children through on the web. We offer fabric of pretty much every sort. Our primary spotlight is on occasional attire of clients which incorporates the accompanying (Kamal Hayder Kazmi 2015). Wool outwear Rain gear, covered nylon and waterproof breathable Synthetic Cloth for exercises of open air Hats Shorts Pants Shirts4. Market examination summaryThe attire industry is developing quickly in everywhere throughout the world . The expansion number of web based shopping destinations has additionally expanded as a result of the developing number of utilization in web. Be that as it may, there are no organizations in Australia who are solely selling their originators and marked items through on the web. The reasons which bolster the announcement are gigantic however the most significant is that it gives new and marked items. We develop as new stage for the online items in the market. Swagata guarantees to give clients the utilization of their innovation aptitude. It is considered in the online commercial center as the least expense in client driven (Mosteller et al. 2014). 4.1. Industry analysisThe online retail development of the nation is developing in a remarkable rate. The ascent of web business and accessibility of broadband empowers the development of tablets and Smartphone. It empowers individuals to purchase item from on the web. The significant explanation behind the internet purchasing is a direc t result of the ways like money down office and the offers and limits accessible through on the web. The development of online items for ladies and children empowers the intensity of shopping more to clients. The given examination broke down that the significant explanation behind web based shopping is for the inclinations of procurement and spend the patters under brands of various value (Nag et al. 2014). Rivalry Our forceful edge is to focus the fundamental on improvement than on the items. The site of Swagata is endpoint of our total offering system to affect clients consideration in organization. Despite the fact that the quality and engaging quality of our items and administration are unique and inventive from other online design stores and Swagata realizes site building is the most significant activity (Mabry 2012). Emily Smiths experience of 14 years with Amazon is the key basic for the achievement of Swagatas site. Amazons site is the most alluring and available site in the design business. Her experience can be considered as significant in anticipating the clients fulfillment in attire industry (upper hand 2016). We will probably present another estimation in attire industry which will diminish the disarray of the clients and the fittings. It will, consequently would build consumer loyalty and will lessen the profits (Brem et al. 2016). Swagatas concurrence with Woolworth would give h im the solid upper hand over others. The plan group would work with the assembling of in-house apparel results of Woolworth. Woolworth would deliver them adequate item which would assist with fulfilling the need which was arranged. It would empower to save low for the creation cost and empower Swagata to become further (Kumar and Pansari 2015). Essential Target Market Swagata center two unmistakable gatherings of individuals of online buyer People with age gathering of 17-29: Youth are the person who infers the market and it is a significant gathering who can be pulled in through the site. The age bunch referenced has less measure of cash than other age gatherings. This gathering likes to have garments with assortment of plan and in moderate cost. The fundamental worry of our gathering is to get all around characterized structure for them. The organization gives items as indicated by their requirements. Swagata empowered a logo which is alluring with the goal that it can pull in the clients broadly. We furnish attire of assortment brands with occasional offers and limits so the client of this gathering gets pulled in. The gathering is one which is the most powerful gathering. It assists with affecting different gatherings of same age. They lean toward assortment of plan than quality. Swagata provide food the requirements of them through rising wit h items as per their decision (Al-Debei et al. 2015). Individuals with the age gathering of 30-50: The individuals of this gathering are the center gathering for the accomplishment of Swagata. However, the gathering is more enthusiastically to maneuver into the allure of the site. The key discoveries of this gathering are quality alongside engaging quality and site. The fundamental worry of this gathering is to get quality item. This gathering has a decent buying power. The gathering needs to guarantee that they get items which convey the manner in which the clients needs to. They give inclination over quality and solace more than some other thing. The gathering additionally needs to have item which is sans bother and just as expedient (Yeoh et al. 2014). Advertising Swagata makes a straightforward showcasing procedure for its items. We advertize our shopping locales in different Australian Fashion and excellence magazines like iSUBSCRiBE, Cream magazine, Follow magazine, Oyster, Vogue and Russh (Pike and Page 2014). In the underlying stage we intended to offer a rebate of 10% on totally marked items under $ 100 and alongside that 15% markdown for items over $100. The organization additionally wanted to make a similar methodology when regular garments will be presented (Longfield, et al. 2016). Item Swagata offers a wide wrath scope of items from age gathering of new conceived till 70. It empowers to item looking on two fragments for example on quality and plans. We tie up with different brands like Nike, Adidas, US Polo, Lee, Levis and so forth. Alongside that it got tie up with some famous retailers like Woolworth and Myers. Results of such retailers can be found on Swagata. Swagata additionally contributes its significant consideration in fashioner gathering. Shoppers can get assortment of design creators items like style stars, Tsubi, Sass and Bride (Tontin 2016). Evaluating Swagata has the most helpful system for all age gatherings. Swagata made the valuing procedure remembering of different objective market of there. We have clients who need quality and different needs plan and there is another sort who needs both. The evaluating procedure has made by the, People who consider the two structures and quality estimating technique has made as their items are a lot costlier than other two gatherings. Swagata caused a system on cost with the goal that it to provide food the necessities all gatherings. We have expensive results of universal brands and alongside that with the top planners. Also, they produce results of nearby brands and of Local architects where the items are a lot lesser in cost. It assists with boosting the estimating technique Swagata additionally creates limits and offers as indicated by season. Conveyance Swagata made the conveyance channel as per the 4Ps for example item, value, spot and advancement. The significant capacity of our organization incorporates four capacities. Request preparing, warehousing, stock administration and transportation. These are the four channels through which the working of Swagata happens. Swagatas item originates from the distributer and the retailers to the organization then it goes to the clients. Enormous amount of little items and bundles are associated with their promoting. Assortment of conveyance choices is accessible. The other conveyance channel is the item originating from provider to Swagata and afterward at last coming to clients. We likewise empowers outsourcing channel which empowers the item to originate from distributer or maker to Swagata and afterward to clients (Kumar and P

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Sample APA Research Paper Is a Good Start For Writing Your Own Dissertation

A Sample APA Research Paper Is a Good Start For Writing Your Own DissertationSample APA research papers provide an excellent starting point for writing your own. Once you have the information ready for writing, you will have a good idea of what to write about, how to write it, and what the research papers should contain.Sample research papers should outline all aspects of the dissertation topic and be organized and succinct. The reader can look at the outline to get a good feel for what is to be included in the final product. Include keywords as well as important concepts, references, and links so that the reader can find out more and look up additional information from other resources.For research papers that deal with qualitative methods, sample APA research papers can be helpful. This is because these types of papers deal with things like opinion polls and written and spoken statements. Once again, the format of the paper depends on the details of the topic.The layout of sample AP A research papers should make this easy to do. Use columns for writing down the points that are covered in the article. These points should be easy to read and organized so that the reader can skim over them easily.Some samples of APA research papers also include many pictures. This is because the pictures often speak volumes about the topic. If you have a picture, it may speak louder than a few words or an abstract. You need to be sure that you are doing this so that the reader can understand what is going on and what they should expect when they read the article.Sample APA research papers may also include graphs and figures. These help the reader to understand what is happening and why. They also give the reader a good idea of what you think should be done and should not be done in the article. Thesedata points can even be discussed by the author in the conclusion of the paper.It is also a good idea to use a typist to proofread your article for spelling and grammar. You can then g o back and edit the article. Even if you do have the best writer in the world, there is always room for improvement. Always take care when editing.Sample APA research papers are useful tools for helping you write a quality dissertation. It is never too early to start practicing what you have learned from these papers. If you do it right, you will have a unique piece of research that will be just as useful as a dissertation by someone else.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Importance Of A Healthy Lifestyle For Individuals With...

Fritz’s mom is a parent that is clearly and actively involved in her son’s education. She has some valid concerns about her son’s education, and should work closely with the teachers and para-professionals to find balance between school and family functions in order to help Fritz live a healthy and successful life. According to chapter 3 in the Turnbull et al. text, a key aspect of family functions is affection, either by exchanging verbal and physical affection or exchanging unconditional love. Busy teaching programs with lots of rigorous homework, such as the one described by â€Å"The Dynamos† team, often interferes with some family’s only opportunities to catch up on the day’s events, or engage in recreational activities. When this happens it is useful to reconsider the plan to achieve a balance in meeting affection needs not just educational needs (p.57-58). Additionally, according Turnbull et al, recreation is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for individuals with disabilities, and is a helpful tool to get individuals interacting with the community, for Fritz he enjoys soccer (pg. 72). As stated, soccer acts as stress relief and makes Fritz feel as if he is successful at something, allowing him to develop strong self-confidence, which is important when he feels almost inferior to peers at school. It is important to work with the teachers at school to work to create a balance between recreation and school work because when family-professional partnerships are strongShow MoreRelatedObesity And Children With Special Health Care Needs : Special Considerations For A Special Population Review Paper1621 Words   |  7 Pageswatching what children are consuming. Abeysekara et al. relates to Natale, Camejo, Asfour, Uhlhorn, Delameter, and Messiah in regards of mentioning parents’ involvement with their child’s decisions. This is a credible source, because if help is provided healthy weight can be managed along with living healthier lives. To prevent obesity parents, need to acknowledge the possible choices to help their children. Aldrich, H., Jankowski, C., Lyden, K., Cleveland, B. G. (2016). Objective physical activity measurementRead MoreObesity In Pediatrics1502 Words   |  7 Pagesof obesity, because parents are said to be models for their children. The appeal being used is to used guidance and supervision, because this will help in watching what children are consuming. This is a credible source, because if help is provided healthy weight can be managed along with living healthier lives. To prevent obesity parents, need to acknowledge the possible choices to help their children. Aldrich, H., Jankowski, C., Lyden, K., Cleveland, B. G. (2016). Objective physical activity measurementRead MoreThe Four Main Determinants Of Health1702 Words   |  7 PagesLiving a healthy lifestyle is an increasing concern in today’s society. Healthy lifestyle is defined as the â€Å"habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, and economic level, which together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group,† (insert reference). Healthy lifestyle choices have a huge impact on the overall health of a person, so it is very important for healthcare workers, especially nurses, to know the causes, affects, responses, and symptoms that occur in unhealthy and healthy lifestylesRead MoreSignapore1462 Words   |  6 PagesSingapore was named the third wealthiest nation in the world by Forbes Magazine for 2012. Singapore has established and received acclaim for a remarkable healthcare system. With government intervention, private sectors and programs that promot e healthy living and prevention for citizens, Singapore’s Healthcare System has set a standard and model for the world to rival. While Singapore’s population is only 5.3 million people, a small country compared to others, citizens have a longer life expectancyRead MoreEssay on Developments in Middle Childhood1584 Words   |  7 Pagesstage as the delayed or retarded development can have significant impact on the areas of cognitive, social and emotional development.   In order to ensure children are equipped with the correct knowledge and understanding of health, well being and healthy eating, the period of middle childhood is one in which these aspects are incorporated and failure to properly do so can result in long term ramifications and problems.    Middle Childhood is a distinct period of development where a child developsRead MoreCommunity Agency : Community Based Agencies1104 Words   |  5 Pagesorganization has a kindergarten program when local and state funding are unavailable and training courses for individuals in technical and secretarial skills (YMCA, n.d.). The agency programs are continuously changing to provide accommodations to individuals and families within the community. The YMCA (n.d.) mission is â€Å"to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all†. The organization is nondiscriminatory and is serves all members of theRead MoreIs Diabetes A Serious Medical Condition?1269 Words   |  6 PagesDiabetes is a serious medical condition in which the body is unable to properly process food for use as energy. Most of what we eat is processed into glucose, a sugar the body requires to maintain normal and healthy function. Once glucose is produced and stored in the liver, it is released into the bloodstream and transported throughout the body for use by organs, muscle, and tissue. Insulin, a hormone created by the pancreas, is responsible to help glucose enter the body’s cells whereRead MoreHealth Education And Health Care863 Words   |  4 Pagesdisease. With the encouragement to live a healthy lifestyle and the patient/provider discussions about decision making to improve overall health, Physician Assistant’s hope that they can influence every patient’s life. In order to improve the quality of life, health education â€Å"relies on many community systems and factors, not simply on a well-functioning health and medical care system† (Healthy People, 2014). Therefore, due to the wide range of individuals involved, each educational setting has goalsRead MoreThe Australian Healthcare System Case Study1037 Words   |  5 Pagessignificant impact on the health system (AIHW, 2016). The 2014-15 National Health Survey reported a minimum of 50% of Australians presenting with at least one of eight selected chronic conditions (AIHW, 2016). Health is influenced by behaviours of an individual, whether they are health enhancing or health r isk behaviours (AIHW, 2016). This essay will discuss the Australian health status and identifying major illnesses and general risk factors, followed by an exploration of the health enhancing and healthRead MoreHealthy People 2020 : A National Public Health Program1453 Words   |  6 PagesHealthy People 2020 Healthy People 2020 is a national public health program that aims to increase population health through achieving a series of goals and objectives. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), set the premise for public health priorities in 1979. Healthy People 2020 has an overarching goal to increase the longevity and quality of live through disease prevention, elimination of health disparities, establishing

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Bad Ways to Demonstrate Your Interest in a College

Demonstrated interest is an important and often overlooked piece of the college admissions puzzle (read more: What Is Demonstrated Interest?). Colleges want to admit students who are eager to attend: such students help the college get a high yield from their pool of admitted students, and students with strong demonstrated interest are less likely to transfer and more likely to become loyal alums. For some good ways to succeed on this dimension of your college application, check out these eight ways to demonstrate your interest. Unfortunately, many applicants (and sometimes their parents) who are over-eager to demonstrate interest make some bad decisions. Below are five approaches you should not use to demonstrate your interest. These methods could hurt your chances of getting an acceptance letter rather than help. Sending Material the College Did Not Request Many colleges invite you to send in whatever supplemental materials you want to share so that the school can get to know you better. This is especially true for liberal arts colleges with holistic admissions. If a college opens the door for extra materials, dont hesitate to send along that poem, performance recording, or short athletic highlights video. That said, many colleges and universities specifically state in their admissions guidelines that they will not consider supplemental materials. When this is the case, the admissions folks can get annoyed when they receive that package with a draft of your novel, that letter of recommendation when the school doesnt consider letters, or that album of photos of you traveling through Central America. The school is likely to discard these items or waste valuable time and resources mailing them back to you. What You Think Youre Saying: Look at me and how interesting I am! Im so eager to attend your school that I sent you a giant envelope full of extra stuff! What You Are Actually Saying: Look at me! I dont know how to follow directions! Also, I dont respect your time. Im sure you can spend an extra 45 minutes on my application! Trust me, when schools say they wont consider supplemental materials, they are telling the truth and you should follow their admissions guidelines. Calling to Ask Questions Whose Answers are Readily Available Some students are so desperate to make a personal contact in the admissions office that they come up with weak reasons for calling. If you have a legitimate and important question that is not answered anywhere on the schools website or admissions materials, then you can certainly pick up the phone. But do not call to ask if the school has a football team or honors program. Dont call to ask how big the school is and whether or not students live on campus. This type of information is readily available online if you take a few minutes to look. What You Think Youre Saying: Look how interested I am in your college! Im taking the time to call and ask questions! What Youre Actually Saying: Look at me! I dont know how to research and read! The admissions folks are remarkably busy people in the fall and winter, so a rather pointless phone call is likely to be an annoyance, especially at selective schools. Harassing Your Admissions Representative No applicants deliberately harass the person who holds the key to their admission, but some students inadvertently behave in ways that are unwelcome if not uncomfortable from the perspective of the admissions staff. Do not email the office daily with well wishes or fun facts about yourself. Do not send gifts to your admissions representative. Do not show up at the admissions office frequently and unannounced. Do not call unless you have a truly important question. Do not sit outside the admissions building with a protest sign that says Admit Me! What You Think Youre Saying: Look how persistent and clever I am! I really, really, really, really want to attend your college! What Youre Actually Saying: Look at me! I enjoy disrupting your day, and Im also a bit creepy with stalker-like tendencies. Having a Parent Call for You This one is common. Many parents have the admirable quality of wanting to do all they can to help their kids succeed. Many parents also discover that their kids are either too shy, too disinterested, or too busy playing Grand Theft Auto to advocate for themselves in the college admissions process. The obvious solution is to advocate for them. College admissions offices often get more calls from parents than students, just as college tour guides often get grilled more by the parents. If this type of parent sounds like you, just keep in mind the obvious: the college is admitting your child, not you; the college wants to get to know the applicant, not the parent. What You Think Youre Saying: Let me ask questions to demonstrate how interested my child is in your college. What Youre Actually Saying: My kid is so disinterested in college that Im doing all the work of choosing a school and applying. My child lacks initiative. A parents role in the admission process is a challenging balancing act. You need to be there to motivate, support, and inspire. The application and questions about the school, however, should be coming from the applicant. (Financial issues can be an exception to this rule since paying for school is often more of a parents burden than the students.) Applying Early Decision When a College Isnt Your First Choice Early Decision (as opposed to Early Action) is a binding agreement. If you apply through an Early Decision program, you are telling the college that it is your absolute first choice school, and that you will withdraw all other applications should you be admitted. Because of this, Early Decision is one of the best indicators of demonstrated interest. You have made a contractual and financial agreement indicating your unquestionable desire to attend. Some students, however, apply Early Decision in an effort to improve their chances even when they arent sure if they want to attend the school. Such an approach often leads to broken promises, lost deposits, and frustration in the admissions office. What You Think Youre Saying: Look, youre my first choice school! What Youre Actually Saying (if you break your ED contract): Im dishonest and selfish, and you might want to contact competitor colleges to inform them of my breech of contract. A Final Word Everything Ive discussed here--calling the admissions office, applying Early Decision, sending supplemental materials--can be a helpful and appropriate part of your application process. Whatever you do, however, make sure you are following the colleges stated guidelines, and always put yourself in the shoes of an admissions officer. Ask yourself, do your actions make you look like a thoughtful and interested candidate, or do they make you appear inconsiderate, thoughtless, or grasping?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Effects of Having Ofw Parents - 3287 Words

Topic: Effects of Having an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) Parent on the Academic Performance of Tertiary School Students from First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (FAITH), First Semester AY 2011-2012 I. Target Readers: Students who have an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) parent II. Research Objectives: After reading this research paper, FAITH tertiary students should be able to: 1. Cite the advantages of having an OFW parent in terms of the following aspects: a. Financial b. Behavioral c. Academic 2. Cite the disadvantages of having an OFW parent in terms of the following aspects: a. Financial b. Behavioral c. Academic 3. Determine if there is a relationship between having an OFW parent and†¦show more content†¦Another setback on the effect of the OFW phenomena is when absent parenting is being replaced by material wealth and gadgets (e.g., cell phone, laptop, iPod, PSP, XBOX, Wii, etc.) to affirm the affection of absent parent, this could result in material expectation rather than affection (Reyes, Melanie, 2003: Migration and Filipino Children Left Behind). Based on several studies done by government and non-government organizations, about nine (9) million Filipino children under the age of 18 are left behind by one or both parents to work attentively or live permanently abroad (Hugo, Graeme, 2005). However, the major reason for working abroad among OFW’s is to send their children to good, preferably exclusive schools from primary up to college because they acknowledge that the best thing they can give their children is the right for education. Therefore more OFW children are enrolled in private schools and are more likely to participate in extra-curricular activities and gain exposure. These do not only broaden their learning, but also make them gain overall academic performance compared to students with strict budget. This research study aims to seek if the students demand more time from their parents as for material satisfaction and for parental attention leading to good academic performance. A huge percentage of the parent’s remittances go to tuition fees of their children, allowing them to enroll in private school offering quality education. Being a student withShow MoreRelatedEffects of Having an Ofw Parents1766 Words   |  8 Pagesrespondents regarding on the effects of having an OFW parents. Table 1 shows that 35% are mother, 40% are father and 25% of the respondents are both parents are working abroad. This means that more father works abroad than mother and only few of the parents both work abroad. Mostly, the father is the one working for the family to sustain mainly the financial needs of the family but due to the absence of father (single-mom), they have to work hard for their children. Table 1 Parent/s who work abroad    |Read MoreChapter 11655 Words   |  7 Pageschild in school regarding the working of their parents overseas. Nowadays, as life becomes uneasy to other families here in the Philippines, parents tend to work overseas to offer a convenient living to their children. As a result, it leads to several effects on the emotional and mental aspects of a child. This study is concerned with regards to the upbringing of children by their parents. A child s greatest need is quality time with their parents. Finding time to spend together as a family canRead MoreParents Working Abroad and They Effects on Their Children3858 Words   |  16 Pagesfathers or mothers, who tend to come home only once in every two to three years. The situation is far from normal and is more-likely to cause a huge impact on the mental and emotional well-being of the children. The increasing amount of absentee parents becomes more alarming because without them, discipline is not enforced at home. Fortunately, according to surveys, more Filipino children have been able to cope up with the absence of their fathers, primarily because of the immeasurable love and devotionRead MoreAcademic Performance of Students with Absentee Parents1878 Words   |  8 PagesAcademic Performance of Students with Absentee Parents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This study is made to understand the performance, specifically the academic performance, of students without the guidance of their parents or having absentee parents. In studying, parents are important to help guide, teach and lead their children because a child need supports from their loved ones and also discipline to be motivated. It is a parent’s responsibility to take care of their children, it is hard for aRead MoreOfw Remittances- an Economic Booster10937 Words   |  44 PagesOFW remittances - an economic booster By definition, remittances are the transfer of money by migrant workers back to their family and friends staying in another country. Remittances facilitate economic growth all across the World. The World stands as a globalised village. Many people go aboard for better education or for a better lifestyle. Through Remittance they do not need to worry about their loved ones at home anymore. Remittance transfers have existed for centuries, but have only garneredRead MoreOut of School Youth2071 Words   |  9 PagesCarbillon, April Ann T. Technical Writing and Scientific Reporting Course/Year/Section: BSE II – English Time Schedule: TTH – 2:00 – 3:30 Title: Out of School Youth in the Philippines ABSTRACT This study shows the reasons and effects why there are out of school youth. It also indicates the children’s rights are deprive form the privileges to have a free education of the government. The researcher included also the statistical analysis of the population of the young people whoRead MoreMigration, Remittances, Inequality and Poverty the Philippines10368 Words   |  42 PagesAbstract Migration, Remittances, Poverty and Inequality The Philippines By Ernesto M. Pernia The paper looks into the effects of international migration and remittances on household incomes and well-being, poverty reduction, human capital investment, saving, and regional development in the home country. Remittances appear to raise average incomes for all income groups but more so for the richer households than for the poorer ones, a finding that is consistent with that in several Latin AmericanRead MoreCorrelation of Study Habits and Academic Performance in Physics of Fourth Year Students in Saint Annes Catholic School in Hagonoy, Bulacan9820 Words   |  40 Pagesthe objectives of education is the clause â€Å"the need to help the individual to develop his/her full potentials†. This cannot be achieved without a proper planning to make students develop positive attitudes towards learning, one of the reasons for having a good study programme in the school environment. Therefore, learning is a change in behaviour. Such a change is seen in their mental reasoning, physical growth, manipulative skills and development of values and interests. The change may be easy orRead MoreSyphilis and Health Care3589 Words   |  15 PagesThe Study of Syphilis, It’s Cause and Effect (A Library Research) I. Introduction Men and women of this generation are more prone of having sexually transmitted diseases. It is now one of the major problems in the field of medicine and health. STD is very broad and has many aspects just like cancer. There are also different types of this disease, one of these is syphilis. Syphilis has been known to cause devastating epidemics. It killed a lot men and children way back when the cure of this isRead MoreOverpopulation in the Philippines4001 Words   |  17 Pagesaccess to appropriate health care services of sexual, reproductive medicine and implementation of health education programs to stress the importance of women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth could provide couples with the best chance of having a healthy infant. On the other hand individuals do face inequalities in reproductive health services. Inequalities vary based on socioeconomic status, education level, age, ethnicity, religion, and resources available in their environment. It is possible

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Nature- to Build a Fire free essay sample

These two authors apply a unique perspective of how nature can apply to everyday life. The aspects of interacting with nature and human emotions analyzed and examined in the works of Jack London and Henry David Thoreau. Nature can be a dreaded enemy and can drain life out of humans and animals that are not aware and cautious. In the short story â€Å"To Build a Fire† by Jack London, nature sets and controls the tone throughout and interacts with the man and his dog. In the story, a man and his dog are traveling through the Yukon, in Alaska, to meet the man’s friends in a cabin miles away. They encounter an enormous amount of adversity and pain while trying to reach his friends. The Yukon is one of the coldest places on Earth and the man and his dog have to travel for hours in the bitter cold. They discover the power and ruthlessness of nature head on in their journey. The man had an estimation of how cold it really is while he and his dog were walking, the temperature is, â€Å"Fifty degrees below zero meant eighty-odd degrees of frost. Such fact impressed him as being cold and uncomfortable, that was all. It did not lead him to meditate upon his frailty as a creature of temperature, and upon mans frailty in general, able to live within certain narrow limits of cold† (London). This quote shows that the man believes that he is stronger and more powerful than the cold. Nature interacts with the man and slowly causes him to loose his human sense. The man becomes mentally and physically weak and eventually dies from frostbite and vulnerability to nature. Nature’s interaction with the man and his dog clearly set the scene for the whole story. On the other hand, nature can be a person’s best friend and fantasy. In the book Walden by Henry David Thoreau, Thoreau becomes one with nature and lives on the shores of Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts. He moves to the woods and lives by himself and observes nature first hand. Thoreau states exactly why he goes to the woods, â€Å"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach† (Thoreau 406). Thoreau believes that nature is an essential part of his life. Thoreau moves to the shores of Walden Pond because he believes that he needs to simplify his life, believing that the best way to live was uncommitted, free, and as long as possible. Rather than nature being a threatening part of life, as in â€Å"To Build a Fire†, Walden describes nature as calm and inviting. Thoreau values the opportunity to control what he does and when he does it. He knows that he is free in nature and enjoys the fact that he can go fishing on the river and exploring in the woods, whenever he desires. Thoreau interacts and connects with nature in a calm and productive way. The way that nature interacts with Thoreau creates a distinct tone for the whole story. Jack London bases his short story on the fact that nature is always pushing man to his limits. James R. Giles, in his Introduction to American Realism, states London inspired a fiction that can best be described as the naturalistic and imperialistic epic that has been a mainstay of twentieth-century American popular literature and culture† (Giles). This shows that London encompasses all of the assets to be known as a naturalist writer. London creates a way to make readers feel scared, cold, and lost in Jill Widdicombe’s overview of â€Å"To Build a Fire†. Widdicombe describes how London incorporates the story of a Yup’ik (a people group indigenous to Alaska) family traveling throughout Alaska in a car, when they become jammed in a snow bank and have nowhere to go being far from any major roads. While in temperatures below negative sixty degrees fahrenheit, the family tries to build a bonfire to keep warm, but their attempt at the fire fails. When the attempt at building the fire fails the family has nothing else to save them and eventually all die because of the horrendous cold and hypothermia. In addition to the aspect of nature, the aspect of the family being alone in nature also applies to the transcendental approach London is using. In â€Å"To Build a Fire†, London’s uses his love and knowledge of nature to provide a naturalist approach. London describes how a man has to survive in terribly cold temperatures, â€Å"When it is seventy five below zero, a man must not fail in his first attempt to build a fire – that is, if his feet are wet† (London), showing that nature is extremely powerful and man has no time for istakes when nature is at full force. London’s naturalist writing style helps bring out the real human characteristics in all of his characters. The naturalist approach to incorporate the outdoors and the ideals of nature, add tremendously to the short story â€Å"To Build a Fire†. In contrast, Henry David Thoreau shows the aspects of transcendentalism throughout his book Walden. According to Perry D. Westbrook, an Amer ican Social philosopher, â€Å"Walden is a major literary expression of New England transcendentalism. It records its authors experiences and thoughts while living for two years and two months in a hut that he had built on the wooded shores of Walden Pond near Concord, Massachusetts† (Westbrook). Thoreau values the simplicity and pureness of nature rather than the complex hustle of normal society. The transcendental value of being alone in nature is reflected by Thoreau when he says, â€Å"But I would say to my fellows, once for all, as long as possible live free and uncommitted. It makes little difference whether you are committed to a farm or the county jail† (Thoreau 405). Thoreau wants his readers to live free and to the full potential and he believes that can only be done alone and in nature. According to Overview: Walden†, Thoreau â€Å"urges his readers to simplify their lives† (Overview: Walden. ), and to live as one in nature. Thoreau perfectly imitates the fundamental aspects of transcendental writing in Walden. Jack London uses his imagery in â€Å"To Build a Fire† to show the emotions of his characters, painting a picture in the heads of his readers. London uses his words in a unique way to show how human emotions are in fact a reflection of nature. Throughout the story, the man struggles with the fierce cold in the Yukon territory and continuously tries to complete his goal of reaching his friends miles down the trail. The man tries for the last time to light the match to start a fire, â€Å"At last, when he could endure no more, he jerked his hands apart. The blazing matches fell sizzling into the snow† (London), showing that his emotions and body could endure no more and that nature had taken its toll on the man. Nature and its powerful ways, throughout â€Å"To Build a Fire†, cause the man to build up numerous emotions that compile and eventually lead to his death. Human emotions are a reflection and response to the brutal effects of nature. In Walden, Henry David Thoreau also expresses that human emotions are a reflection of nature. According to Kent C. Ryden an American scholar, â€Å"First, Thoreau sought to live a life grounded imaginatively, ethically, and sensuously in the textures of the natural world. Second, over the course of his career he became more and more interested in natural life itself, in understanding how nature worked† (Ryden). Throughout most of Walden, Thoreau’s mood is directly related with the weather in Walden Pond. During the winter season, Thoreau’s mood is calm and silent due to the gray skies and quiet woods; he has few visitors and is left alone to think during the winter months. Nature plays a pivotal role in expressing human emotions in â€Å"To Build a Fire† and Walden. Nature is a defining force in the lives of every single person living on this magnificent planet. The weather controls what people do and when they can do what they desire, no person in their right mind will go on a jog in the middle of a tsunami. Jack London brings out the brutal force of nature in his short story â€Å"To Build a Fire†. On the other hand, Henry David Thoreau brings out the calm and in depth part of nature in his book Walden. Even though the way nature acts is completely different in these two stories, many comparisons can be made. The aspects of involving nature and becoming one with nature show transcendentalist and naturalist values in the respective stories. Also, the reflection between human emotions and nature are demonstrated throughout â€Å"To Build a Fire† and Walden. Jack London and Henry David Thoreau show exemplary skill to be able to apply such detailed aspects of nature in each of their stories. Word Count: 1621 Works Cited Giles, James R. Introduction. The Naturalistic Inner-City Novel in America: Encounters with the Fat Man. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1995. 1-14. Rpt. in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Ed. Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. Vol. 182. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Literature Resource Center. Web. 18 Mar. 2013. London, Jack. To Build a Fire. N. p. : n. p. , n. d. JackLondons. net. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. Ryden, Kent C. Thoreaus landscape within: how he came to know nature, and through it came to know himself. American Scholar 74. 1 (2005): 132+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 11 Feb. 2013. Thoreau, Henry D. Walden. Prentice Hall Literature. Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes: The American Experience. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. 400-11. Print. Westbrook, Perry D. Walden: Overview. Reference Guide to American Literature. Ed. Jim Kamp. 3rd ed. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994. Literature Resource Center. Web. 11 Feb. 2013. Widdicombe, Jill. An overview of To Build a Fire,. Gale Online Encyclopedia. Detroit: Gale, 2013. Literature Resource Center. Web. 11 Feb. 2013. Overview: Walden. Nonfiction Classics for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Nonfiction Works. Ed. David M. Galens, Jennifer Smi th, and Elizabeth Thomason. Vol. 3. Detroit: Gale, 2002. Literature Resource Center. Web. 6 Feb. 2013.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Should Abortion Clinics Be Closed Essays - Reproductive Rights, Law

Should Abortion Clinics be Closed? Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter! Should Abortion Clinics be Closed? In 1973, the supreme court decision known as Roe v. wade, made it possible for woman to get safe, legal abortions from well-trained medical practitioners and therefore led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy-related injury and death. Now the policy proposal has been done to close up abortion clinics. We are against this proposal and we will give you some arguments why we think abortion clinics in this state should not be closed. Closing up abortion clinics enables a lot of woman to have an abortion. Having an abortion should be woman's own choice. But when there are no providers of abortion around, that choice has already been made for her. Closing up the clinics will higher the barriers of having an abortion. But when the barriers are too high, this means that for some woman, the right to make their own choices in life, is taken away from them. The constitution says we have a right on Privacy, so taking away a woman's chance to make decisions over her own body and life, infringes with that right. In 1973 the American Supreme Court ruled that American's right to privacy included the right of a woman to decide whether to have children, and the right of a woman and her doctor to make that decision without state interference. Closing up abortion clinics violates that right woman have. The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) is the nation's preeminent defender of the Constitution and The Bill of Rights, they defend the rights of all. The ACLU has protected the right of woman to choose abortion, and in recent years has argued the key cases opposing restrictions that deny woman access to reproductive health care. Policy 263 states: "The ACLU holds that every woman, as a matter of her right to the enjoyment of life, liberty, and privacy, should be free to determine whether and when to bear children." Closing up abortion clinics will be done with the purpose to reduce the number of abortions. This raises the question whether this will be effective. Before 1973 abortion was illegal. Criminalization of abortion did not reduce the number of woman who sought abortion. What is known is that between 1880 and 1973 many thousands of woman died or suffered serious medical problems after attempting to self-induce their abortions, or going to untrained practitioners who performed cheap abortions with primitive methods or in unsanitary conditions. Taking away the provision of abortion will obstruct to access for woman to have an abortion. But like before 1973, woman will keep attempting and succeed in ending unwanted pregnancies. With this a lot of woman will risk their health and even their lives. Keeping open local abortion clinics, increases the chance that woman who choose to have an abortion at least will do this in safe way. So closing up abortion clinics will not reduce the number of women who seek abortion. Demand stays the same, but the provision is declined. This means that the waiting lists of abortion clinics in others states will be much longer. Women will have to wait longer to get an abortion, and will be treated later in their pregnancy. Some people say that the unborn baby is alive and has feelings when the heart starts to beat. The heartbeat begins between the eighteenth and twenty-fifth day. So when the woman who wants to have an abortion will have to wait that long, her abortion, according to abortion activists, will get closer to murder the unborn child. This problem could be solved with keeping abortion clinics open, because then the woman can be treated early in her pregnancy, when the heart of the unborn baby is not beating yet. She won't have to wait because of long waiting lists, or because she needs time to raise her funds to be able to afford the abortion. A woman who wants to have an abortion will have to travel a long way when there are no providers around. This will make her abortion even more expensive then it already is. She will have to pay for the abortion itself, the traveling costs, and the costs of the accommodation that she will need. She is longer under way, and therefore also needs to take off from work longer, this also costs her money. All these extra expenses will make it for some woman impossible to have an abortion. An abortion clinic is not a butcher's place where young lives are getting killed. They provide woman with the choice when and whether to

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Onlive vs. Traditional Education Essays

Onlive vs. Traditional Education Essays Onlive vs. Traditional Education Essay Onlive vs. Traditional Education Essay Compare and Contrast: Online Vs. Traditional Education LaKrisha Lawson ENG 121 Instructor Peter Kunze November 19, 2010 Compare and Contrast: Online Vs. Traditional Education Whether I’m going to school online are going to school in a traditional setting; the main objective is to obtain a degree. The internet has brought us a new way of obtaining a degree that is convenient for many people in the world today. Many might argue whether online or traditional education is more acceptable in today’s world. With technology growing the way it is many Americans go to work and school in the comfort of their home, while others commute to work and school. Regardless if you are enrolled at a traditional college or with a university online there are some similarities and differences, it mainly depends on the individual and what suits that person needs. I’m going to discuss online education first. â€Å"Adult students are more likely to succeed in online education than a traditional college student because adult students have more maturity and responsibility. A lot of older adults have full time jobs or families and look at college as an education only not a social life† (Online Learning vs. The Traditional College, 2006). One of the benefits of online education is that it provides flexibility especially for the working adult with families; Because of the flexibility you don’t have to rush to work to make it to class on time. You have the flexibility to decide when to schedule school work, but you will still have a deadline. The flexibility can save money as well; you save on gas because you do not have to commute back and forth to school. Another way of saving money is not paying someone to watch your children while you attend school. One last note on flexibility is, your school work can be accessed at any time where there is a computer with internet. â€Å"Students who take classes online have not shown any sign of retaining less information than in class students. In fact, now nearly all traditional chools offer some kind of online option in their curriculum and have found it to be a very productive teaching medium. A 2006 study by the Sloan Consortium discovered that around 62% of chief education advisors thought online education helped students learn as good or better than traditional learning† (Education for Less Online, 2007). The disadvantages of online education are the lack of face to face interaction; this could be great for some and not so great for others. If you are a student that requires the face to face interaction from your instructors then online learning could be difficult for you. If you are looking to transfer credits to another institution to further your education, research is needed to make sure that you will get full credit. Lastly is being computer literate and always having access to a computer. Not being computer literate and not having access to a computer with the internet could put a strain on your online education. I’m going to talk about the traditional way of learning second. Traditional college students are between the ages of 18-21 and benefit from the social atmosphere that a normal college campus provides. For young students, college means newfound freedom because they can live on campus or with friends away from parents† (Online Learning vs. The Traditional College, 2006). In a traditional classroom you have to follow a schedule, and have to be in class on that schedule day; if you miss class the n you will miss that day’s lesson. Some traditional schools will offer night classes for students that work during the day. One of the benefits of traditional schools is the face to face interaction; you can have a question answered right away versus waiting 24 to 48 hours for a respond. Some students prefer the face to face interaction over emails because of misunderstanding; the student can leave the classroom making sure that he or she understands. If you are looking to have a college experience then traditional education may fit you better. Some would rather get their education the traditional way while others prefer the online learning. Regardless how you receive your education what matters the most is that you get your education. Deciding what school to attend can be a lot, but now having to decide whether to go the traditional route or the online learning route depends on the individual student; and what route fits them better. The bottom line is no matter how you received your education the outcome will still be the same. References New York University (2006). Online learning vs. the traditional college. Retrieved from http://nyu. edu/classes/ Fldcu. org (2007). Education for less. Retrieved from http://fldcu. org/online-traditional/

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Healthcare Research Paper

Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Healthcare - Research Paper Example They consist of the following; barriers to entry, asymmetric information, comprehensive government intervention, externalities, and intractable uncertainty in various dimensions, as well as presence of third party agents (Fuchs, 2011). The paper will discuss five economic concepts in healthcare economics. The study would also highlight the benefits of learning about health economics in relation to government and private sectors, government involvement in healthcare economics, financing, and delivery. Additionally, the paper will also discuss why health care professionals and decision makers need to value health economics. The health care professionals and decision makers need to comprehend the value of health economics, since health economists evaluate many kinds of financial information such as charges, costs, and expenditures. Furthermore, they also need to comprehend that main aim of health care economists is to offer information to the decision-makers so that the choices that they make, maximize the health benefits to the population. Health economics is concerned with saving cash while enhancing the level and distribution of population health with the available resources (Shepard and Thompson, 2012). Due to the complex nature of the health care industry, more effort needs to be done to further develop and standardize the concepts related to health economics. Health economics is considered as an integral part of health management from the peripheral level to the apex referral hospitals. The health care sector is characterized by extensive government intervention, ranging from operational licenses of the doctors and the regulations on service delivery. According to Alastair et al. (2010), the public sector involvements in medical care include social justice, redistribution, prevention of monopolies, and public goods. Social justice is applicable to situations where offering of health services to one

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Visitor and destination management plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Visitor and destination management plan - Essay Example The Canary Islands consist of Isla de Gran Canaria, Isla de Tenerife, Isla de la Palma, Isla de la Gomera, Isla de El Hierro, Isla de Alegranza, and Isla de Fuerteventura. Tourism is one of the main revenue source for the isands, with Gran Canaria and Tenerife attracting the most visitors, however, tourism abounds throughout the chain (McLeod, 1999). The Canary Islands, which shall focus on Gran Canaria of the island chain, as the subject location for this study of tourism and destination management in that the location is well known as well as offered suitable information that is available to enable an examination of the varied points to be addressed herein. In examining visitor and destination management, an understanding of the term is necessary to position it within this study. The Association of Destination Management Executives defines destination management as professional management that specialises " in the design and delivery of events, activities, tours, staffing and transportation, possessing and utilising extensive local knowledge, expertise and resources" (Lee, 1998). The World Trade Organisation Business Council advises that "the current trend in almost all regions of the world is towards semi-public but autonomous tourism organizations involving a partnership with both private sector and regional and/ or local authorities" (George Washington University, 2003). The preceding marks a distinct departure from the past as the roles as well as responsibilities of the private sector and governments have undergone a significant change in that the state no longer has the main responsibility for the development and promotion of tourism (George Washington University, 2003). The new situation calls for the alignment of both interests due to the huge economic ramifications of tourism that requires cooperation and planning between the state, local governments, the private business sector, as well as local communities in the crafting of long range plans concerning infrastructure investment, that consists of airport, transport, road, energy delivery, and related improvements as well as foreign investment attraction for hotels, general and specific industries (World Travel and Tourism Organisation, 1999). The fact

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Cyber Bullying Essay Example for Free

Cyber Bullying Essay Walking through the school door, she feels the sweat dripping down the side of her cheeks. Her stomach flips and flops, and her hands have an obvious tremble. The slamming lockers and running footsteps are enough to make her eyes swell with tears. The snickers behind her are all too familiar, but she is not prepared for the shove to the back and degrading names that follow. In a split second, her mind is made up. She turns around, heads out the door, and doesn’t look back. The computer, her cell phone, and now school. The cyber-bullies have stepped out of the screen and into face-to-face contact. With this new kind of bully on the rise and ruthless, is she the school’s responsibility? Schools should be held responsible for cyber bullying because the crime extends from the computer to the school setting. Studies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening the way bully’s can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology is not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying is becoming a major problem and we all need to do our parts in figuring out what can be done to stop cyber-bullies in their tracks. Cyber-bullies will continue to be a threat to today’s youth until we take preventative measures against them. Before putting a stop to cyber-bullying we must understand why and how a cyber-bully works. After researching and analyzing informative articles on the topic, this research paper aims to inform and answer questions such as: what a cyber-bully is, how they work, whom they target, and how to stop them. By understanding how a cyber-bully works we will be able to better protect youth populations as technology grows. Approximately half of U. S. students are impacted by traditional bullying each school day (Ross). Cyber-bullying is technology powered and as technology expands it is getting harder and harder to see and prevent bullying from happening. Bullying over the Internet makes it easy for the tormenter to get away with their destructive behavior without any consequences. The article, â€Å"What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home† states, â€Å"Bullying is not new but thanks to the Internet teens are now being bullied at home. Online harassment is a serious problem† (Hardcaslte). Although the Internet has opened many doors to new opportunities, it has unfortunately taken bullying to another level. As the article, â€Å"Cyber Bullying Facts† states, â€Å"as the number of households with Internet access approaches saturation and cell phone ownership expands to the 100 million mark, so do the ways kids bully each other† (Ross). Anything sent out into cyberspace is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove. Therefore, being cyber-bullied can sometimes be much more severe than traditional bullying. Ann Frisen in the article, â€Å"Cyber-bullying: A Growing Problem† states, â€Å"This type of bullying can be more serious than conventional bullying. At least with conventional bullying the victim is left alone on evenings and weekends† (ScienceDaily). What exactly is ‘cyber-bulling’? The author of the article, â€Å"What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home† explains it as, â€Å"any harassment that occurs via the Internet† (Hardcastle). Cyber-bulling messages can be communicated through text, e-mails, instant messaging, web pages, blogs, chat rooms, or any other information communication technologies. For example, Michigan’s assistant attorney general, who is a grown adult, has been harassing the University of Michigan’s openly gay student body president. Andrew Shirvell, assistant Michigan attorney general, created a blog in April of 2010 targeting Chris Armstrong, University of Michigan’s student body president. On this blog he has posted many rude, untrue, and unnecessary comments towards Chris Armstrong, along with distorted pictures. According to the article, â€Å"Assistant Michigan AG targets openly gay college student† the author states, â€Å"Shirvell has published blog posts that accuse Armstrong of engaging in ‘flagrant sexual promiscuity’ with another male member of the student government; sexually seducing and influencing ‘a previously conservative male student’ so much so that the student, according to Shirvell, ‘morphed into a proponent of the radical homosexual agenda’† (Steward). Mr. Shirvell is clearly a first-hand example of a cyber-bully and this article goes to show that it’s not just kids bullying each other in school anymore; it’s much bigger than that. There have been at least three teen suicides in September after experiencing homophobic cyber-bullying. Who are the main victims targeted by cyber-bullies? According to the article, â€Å"Cyber-bullying Facts† Middle school and High school girls are twice as likely as boys to display cyber-bullying behaviors in the form of email, text, and chat, and only 20% of cyber-bullying victims tell their parents about the incident (Ross). Cyber-bullies target students, coworkers, neighbors, and even friends. Lately, there have been many reports of suicides related to bullying. For example, the recent death of Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers University, is an extreme case of cyber-bullying. The article, â€Å"Rutgers student death: Has Digital Age made students callous† informs, â€Å"Mr. Clementi killed himself on September 22nd, 2010. According to prosecutors, a few days earlier his roommate, Dharun Ravi, and another student, Molley Wei, used a Web cam to secretly transmit images of a sexual encounter between Clementi and another man. They intended to do so again on September 21† (Khadaroo). With cyber-bullying a bully can pick on people with less risk of being caught. People who you would not see bullying someone in school don’t have a problem using the Internet to bully their victims because you can’t see their initial reaction. Bullying cannot only hurt the victim emotionally it can also cause them to have frequent headaches, indigestion and vomiting, loss of sleep, loss of appetite, paranoia, and suicide. In Tyler Clementi’s case he was so overwhelmed by what had been done to him that he jumped off of the George-Washington Bridge. It is important for college campuses to promote tolerance for differences, including homosexuality. From the article, â€Å"Rutgers student death: Has Digital Age made students callous† the author states, â€Å"We are tempted to think that social-media technology drove the behavior, but as a truly ethical matter, the behavior has to be and should be considered human-driven, not technology driven† (Foulkrod). Harrisburg University of Science and Technology in Pennsylvania recently blocked the use of social media for a week to prompt discussions about its role in everyday life. Nobody wants to see this happen again; therefore, we need to come up with a solution to the problem. Some observers of today’s youth and media culture believe that today’s media environment could be desensitizing young people to the hurtful effects of their actions. What can be done to prevent cyber-bullying? Parents can start by talking specifically about yber-bullying and explain that is harmful and unacceptable behavior. Talk regularly with your child about on-line activities he or she is involved in, keep your home computer in easily viewable places, such as a family room or kitchen, and consider installing a filtering or blocking system (Ross). Also, you can â€Å"outline your expectations for responsible online behavior and clearly explain the consequences for inappropriate behavior† (Ross). The most important thing that can be done to stop a cyber-bully harassing you is to just not respond to the bully. Do not play into the bully’s games. Ignore the bully and tell a parent or teacher. While ignoring the bullying make sure to save all of the evidence so that if police need to be involved you will have it ready. In the article, â€Å"What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home† states, â€Å"Repeated or excessive harassment via email, forums or chat rooms is harassment and should involve the police. Threats of violence should also be reported to the police. Try to save all messages as evidence† (Hardcastle). Treat a cyber-bully like you would any other bully and they will lose their power. Another important way to prevent cyber-bullying attacks is if you see something going on don’t just be a bystander and let it happen, report it before anyone gets hurt. In conclusion, with the expansion of the Internet and social networking technologies cyber-bullying is becoming more common and more severe. The information presented in this research paper should give people a better understanding of what a cyber-bully is, how harmful they can really be, and how to prevent cyber-bullying from happening. This paper can be used to help victims realize they are not alone and should not give into a bully’s dangerous behaviors. This research paper is to inform society about what has been going on lately and how unacceptable and dangerous it is. Kids are killing themselves over photos, web posts, and videos posted by bullies using the Internet. Cyber-bullying is technology powered and will only get worse as technology becomes more widespread. Hopefully, this paper will help to inform today’s youth and parents. If you see any kind of bullying happening in front of you, stop it if possible, and then report it. Conclusion Cyberbullying is a growing issue in schools. Students have been in fights, brought guns to school, and even committed suicide because of being cyberbullied. This is an issue which is a growing problem and must be addressed. It is serious. By helping students research the issues around cyberbullying, it raises awareness for both students and staff. A WebQuest like this can make a real difference in school climate and student relations. Take a stand against cyberbullying with your classmates. Students will listen to other students more quickly than they will listen to an adult.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Patriotism by Yukio Mishima Essay -- Yukio Mishima Patriotism Death

"Patriotism" by Yukio Mishima   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Death, in many places death is feared, taking one's own life is looked upon as cowardly and weak. This story sheds a different light on death; it shows the honor and respectful way of bowing out. To see the honor in death, one must understand the culture and the time period. The story 'Patriotism' written by Yukio Mishima shows a couple?s courage, love and faith as well as the man?s commitment to his country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the story goes, Shinji is a member of the Imperil forces. Shinji has taken an oath to fight for his country; his honor depends on his commitment. He will fight to death and risk his life whenever necessary to protect his livelihood. He's newly married and has even forsaken his honeymoon to fulfill his duties with the army. His wife has taken a silent oath, an understanding that her husband could die at anytime and that she too would accept the fate. This was traditional in Japan; her mother had given her a dagger so that when the day comes she will be ready to fulfill her commitment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Soon though Shinji and Rieko's Commitments to each other and the Imperial Force are challenged. Shinji is informed that his close colleagues and friends have been mutineers from the beginning. As the reality of death fronts itself to Shinji, he must decide whether to fight and possibly live or Take his own life and die. In the Japanese society this is an honorable way for one to bow out. This decision also weighs heavily on his wif...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Bachelor of Arts Community development Essay

The unit explores the power of ideas to change the world and ourselves, focusing on their birth, transmission, evolution, and personal and global impact. Through the study of selected themes, students are introduced to the knowledge and approaches central to the arts, social sciences and humanities, and are invited to reflect on competing moral and social arguments. The development of writing and critical thinking skills are a core focus of the unit. The unit is arranged around four different topics, each of which is allocated five or six lectures and three tutorials. Each topic consists of an organising theme which is used to focus a set of contrasting disciplinary perspectives from within the arts, social sciences and humanities. For 2014, the four organising themes are: ââ€" ¦The individual and the community. ââ€" ¦Violence ââ€" ¦Truth and representation ââ€" ¦The good life The key aims of this unit are as follows: ââ€" ¦To introduce students to a range of methodological, conceptual and theoretical appraoches to the main discipline areas covered in the Bachelor of Arts degree. ââ€" ¦To show how social and moral issues may be examined from diverse perspectives, so as to result in differing evaluations, each offering potentially valuable illuminations. ââ€" ¦To provide students with the conceptual tools to become more articulate and reflective in their examination of social and moral issues. The majors which comprise the Bachelor of Arts in 2014 are: ââ€" ¦Asian Studies ââ€" ¦Australian Indigenous Studies ââ€" ¦Communication and Media Studies ââ€" ¦Community Development ââ€" ¦Criminology ââ€" ¦Education Studies ââ€" ¦English and Creative Writing ââ€" ¦Games Art and Design ââ€" ¦History ââ€" ¦Indonesian ââ€" ¦Interactive Digital Design ââ€" ¦International Aid and Development ââ€" ¦Japanese ââ€" ¦Journalism ââ€" ¦Legal Studies ââ€" ¦Philosophy ââ€" ¦Photography ââ€" ¦Public Relations ââ€" ¦Politics and International Studies ââ€" ¦Radio ââ€" ¦Religion ââ€" ¦Security, Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies ââ€" ¦Social and Developmental Psychology ââ€" ¦Sociology ââ€" ¦Sound ââ€" ¦Sustainable Development ââ€" ¦Theatre and Drama ââ€" ¦Tourism and Events ââ€" ¦Web Communication

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Rape - 1081 Words

â€Å"Stop.†, â€Å"Stay silent.†, â€Å"Just pretend that you’re somewhere else. Pretend that you aren’t getting sexually assaulted, or raped.† This is the all too common issue women go through in their minds, trying to block out the events that are occurring with them. Rape is an extreme issue, affecting over 280,000 Americans each year (RAINN). In numerous cases of rape, alcohol plays a factor in the sexual assault, either altering a victim or the perpetrator. The idea of alcohol and rape has become a controversial topic in society and court, determining the outcome of sexual assault cases. Because of this, the use of alcohol should play an important role in the cases, due to the fact that it inhibits proper decision making, sets a dangerous precedent†¦show more content†¦The brain is a unique part of the human body. Researchers are finding new information regarding it, everyday. When alcohol is consumed, it disrupts the normal function of the brain and its effect on decision making. Consuming alcohol affects how neurons send off messages. Specifically, the glutamate in alcohol â€Å"infiltrates the glutamate receptors in your synapses, hurting their ability to send off their normal fire messages.† (What Alcohol Actually Does to Your Brain and Body). This occurrence affects a person’s muscle control, speech, coordination, and judgement. (What Alcohol Actually Does to Your Brain and Body). When someone decides to participate in sexual activity, it might not necessarily be their own decision. Due to the fact that alcohol affects many functions of the brain, women who are under the influence are not in the right state of mind to comply or agree with sexual activity. In a recent survey, it was found that forty-seven percent of college women who were raped stated that they were unable to resist sexual activity as a result of their own alcohol use. (Top Ten Facts about Sexual Assault and Alcohol). Women should not be punished for their actions when under the influence. Instead, alcohol should be factored it to the case against the perpetrator, because the victim had a blurred recollection of the events taking place. In this modern age, men will do anything to get farther with or have sexual interactions with a girl. This can mean slipping dateShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Rape744 Words   |  3 PagesTherapists say the worst thing a survivor of rape can do is to remain silent, bottling their story up inside so it sinks like lead into their stomach. But, how do you find the words to possibly convey what has happened? How can there be words for such a feeling as losing your sanctity of self? I have many titles I have gained or earned over the years: college graduate, daughter, writer, dancer. But I am also a survivor of rape. Dancing used to be my sanctuary, whatever I could not place into wordsRead MorePersuasive Essay On Rape1023 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Sorry ma’am there just isn’t enough to bring this case to court† a statement that millions of victims of sexual assault, and rape must hear from the justice system. They must live the rest of their lives knowing two truths; first being that they were sexually assaulted and or raped, and the second truth being that the assailant was set free and may victimize more people. It is difficult to believe that even in modern times that this is happening, yet the truth of the matter is that these victimsRead MorePersuasive Essay On Rape1292 Words   |  6 PagesRape also known as sexual assault is having sexual intercourse or any form of sexual penetration against a person’s will or consent. It could be carried out by coercion, the use of physical power or abuse of authority. It is an act many societies, if not all discourage, and attracts different form of punishment in different geographical locations. There are many consequences of rape; some people suffer from depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Suicidal tendencies, and Anxiety Disorder. ItRead MorePersuasive Essay On Rape1456 Words   |  6 Pagesridiculed at an alarming rate. Many students have become increasingly fearful when attending their daily classes. Rape and date rape are serious problems that can lead to possible traumatization, depression, and suicide. Women are the main target of this kind of abuse, but men have also been known to suffer. Colleges have implemented new programs to help educate students about the risks of date rape, but they lack in their effectiveness to keep the students interested. Most of the courses are mandatory toRead MorePersuasive Essay On Rape962 Words   |  4 Pagesafte r invading your body without your consent, but that is not love, that is rape. Marital rape is an occurring problem all over the world and is not punished like normal rape. 10%-14% of women in only the US are raped by their husbands. Many people like Donald Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen believe that you can not be raped while you are married. However, according to the US definition (that seems to vary) of marital rape it means any unwanted intercourse or penetration (vaginal, anal, or oral) obtainedRead MoreA Closer Look at Date Rape944 Words   |  4 Pagesin her essay â€Å"Rape: A Bigger Danger than Feminists Know.† The â€Å"them† in Paglia’s statement is referring to women, and she is discussing the topic of date rape. Susan Jacoby, on the other hand, writes in her article â€Å"Common Decency,† that feminism is not responsible for the rising cases of date rape, but that it is the men who are at fault. Paglia’s argument is insightful and accurate, but Jacoby’s writing is flawed and not well-researched. 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From the way women were dressed, to celebrities standing out, rape cultureRead MorePersuasive Essay Topics1228 Words   |  5 Pages101 Persuasive Essay Topics By: Mr. Morton Whether you are a student in need of a persuasive essay topic, or a teacher looking to assign a persuasive essay, this list of 101 persuasive essay topics should be a great resource. I taxed my brain to create this huge list of persuasive essay topics relevant to todays society, but I believe I am happy with the results. I appreciate any and all comments or feedback. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24